Registration fee $ 100.00 US
Matriculation Fee $200.00 US [one-time fee]
Tuition Per Semester Credit Hour
Undergraduate $10
Equivalency Credit Fee $5.00 Undergraduate per Semester Credit Hour [Tuition and Fees are subject to change without notice]
To Enroll, complete the application below and send it with the requested attachments and a non-refundable registration fee of $100.00 as required by the application form.
For a student to be allowed to select a major the student must have copies of their transcripts sent from the schools attended. A CV (curriculum vitae or resume), a short biographic sketch, and a statement of your personal learning goals and objectives. Copies of transcripts are to be sent directly from the former school to the TNU campus nearest your location or to the National Office in Jacksonville Florida USA. The non-refundable Matriculation Deposit of $200.00 is due and payable at the time of enrollment in the first course for each degree level. If approved in advance the new student may make payments of not less than $10.00 per month until the Matriculation fee is paid in full. All prices are in U.S. Dollars
Taongi National University
c/o Office of the Registrar
Salala City,
Lower Bong County,
Liberia, West Africa
Post Office Box 550829, Jacksonville, Florida 32255-0829
For information email:
Residency requirements may be met if attending TNU or any of the approved consortium schools registered with the International Education Professional Accreditation Association [IEPAA]
” If you do each day that which you can do to be successful in reaching your goals, then the end results will be the product of your efforts and the thrill of success your reward.”
[Dr. Dewey E. Painter, Sr. 2-1997]
“Without apology, TNU is a Christian University based on the Word of God [KJV] to which all academic instructions, policies, and procedures are on a faith base foundation”